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Legal notices

Contact Postal address:
Böblinger Therme GmbH
Postfach 1920
71009 Böblingen

Street address:
Mineraltherme Böblingen
Am Hexenbuckel 1
71032 Böblingen

Telephone: + 49 (0) 07031 - 22 60 28
Telefax: + 49 (0) 7031 - 22 97 21

Commercial register/management Stuttgart County Court Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 242358
Manager: Rolf Dettinger
Chairman of the Board: Mayor Wolfgang Lützner
VAT ID-No.. DE 145047117
Bank details Kreissparkasse Böblingen
Account No.  207 8975
Bank sort code  603 501 30
IBAN DE69 60350130 0002078975
Disclaimer Our websites contain links to external third-party websites. We have no influence on the contents of these linked websites. The respective suppliers or operators are at all times responsible for the correctness of the content, and for this reason we do not assume any responsibility for external websites. The linked pages were inspected for possible infringements at the time the link was established. No infringements were observed at the time the link was established. There is, however, no obligation to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information pursuant to the German remote services statute (Teledienstgesetz, §§ 8-10 TDG). As soon as legal infringements become known to us, we will delete the corresponding content immediately. We take no liability in particular for material or immaterial damages or consequences arising from the use of our services, insofar as it is not a case of wilful intent or gross negligence.
Copyright and photograph copyright (Germany) The layout of the website, the graphics and texts used are, among others, protected by copyright. The content of these pages may be reproduced for personal use only. However, no changes may be made, and no reproductions may be disseminated or used for public viewing. Images, photographs or graphics used in the Mineraltherme Böblingen's internet pages are, as a matter of principle, protected by copyright. The free use of the photographs is categorically prohibited.
Data protection  The use of our website is generally possible without disclosure of personal data (with the exception of ordering a voucher (see below).Insofar as personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail address) are recorded on our pages, this is, as far as is possible, always on a voluntary basis). These data shall not be made available to third parties without your express agreement. It should be noted, however, that the data transfer in the internet (e.g. via e-mail), may have security gaps. A gapless protection of these data from access by third parties is not possible. How to order a voucher
For processing a voucher order it is necessary to collect personal data. The customer must enter name, address, telephone number and e-mail address when ordering a voucher. These data are required for smooth order processing. The data are used and stored exclusively for this purpose and for evaluation by the Böblinger Therme GmbH. These data are not made available to third parties The upload of customer data to our server is encrypted via SSL connection. The data being transferred are protected against unintentional disclosure by third parties. The customer is entitled to receive, on request, information on his/her personal data stored on our server.

Data processing on this website
The Association of Communal Data Processing of the Region Stuttgart (hoster of the homepage of the Mineraltherme Böblingen) automatically collects and stores, in Server Log Files, information your browser has transmitted to us. These are: the name of the internet page accessed, the date and time of access, a report whether access was successful, the web browser used, the operating system used, the IP address of the user (not used to identify the user). These data cannot be assigned to any specific individuals. These data shall not be merged with data from other sources and furthermore, the data shall be deleted after statistic evaluation.
Revocation instruction for the online purchase of vouchers. Right of cancellation
You can cancel your contract within a month in without giving any reasons in writing (e.g. letter, fax email) or you may also - if you receive the product before the end of the term - cancel your contract by returning the product. The contract term begins after receipt of this notice of cancellation, but not, however, before the receipt of the goods by the recipient (in the case of repeat delivery of equivalent goods not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and/or not before conclusion of the contract and, furthermore, not before fulfilment of our duty to inform pursuant to Article 246 § 2 in connection with § 1 Paragraphs 1 and 2 EGBGB (Introductory act to the civil code) In order to adhere to the time limit of revocation, it is sufficient to send the revocation or the received product in good time.
The revocation must be sent to:
Böblinger Therme GmbH
Am Hexenbuckel 1
71032 Böblingen
Fax: +49 (0)7031/229721

Consequences of revocation
In the case of a legally effective revocation, the services received by both parties must be returned, and if necessary, any benefits granted with this must be returned (e.g. interest). If you are unable, or partially unable, to return the received services or use (e.g. benefits of use), or only to a lower standard, you mus This can lead to you being obliged nonetheless to fulfil your contractual payment duties for the period until the revocation. You have no obligation to replace the value of the goods or services if the deterioration resulted from proper use of the goods or services. The value of any pages used must only be paid insofar as you have used this in such a way which goes beyond the checking of the properties and their mode of functioning. "Checking of properties and their mode of functioning" means that the testing and trying out of the products, as is also possible and customary in a retail store. Products capable of being shipped as a parcel are to be returned at our cost and risk. Products not capable of being shipped as a parcel shall be collected at your premises. Obligations for the reimbursement of payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The notice period begins for you upon dispatching your notice of revocation or the product, and for us upon receipt.

Your right of revocation expires prematurely when the contract has been fulfilled on your express wish by both parties before you have made use of your right of revocation.
Technical implementation Zweckverband Kommunale Datenverarbeitung Region Stuttgart (KDRS)
IT-Services - Solutions
Krailenshaldenstraße 44
70469 Stuttgart